Abandoned Shadows

Alexis: The beating of my broken heart, now chained and locked away,I hear much louder, through the night, than words we never say.As hollow kisses turn to dust and fall against my skin,I pray that I might find the strength to fall in love again.Abandoned innocence, stripped away, discarded on the floor.In the dirt, I bury hope that leaves the unlocked doors.I am held, though never cherished, yet to be made whole.My tears can wipe themselves away, but I must save my soul.Bare feet, run, lead me home, where I am Mother's child,And toward the pale rose sunset for a pretty little while.If broken wings may carry dreams, and carry me to sleep. Then....

Chorus: Take me(take me) far away from love.Far from all thats wrong and tell me(tell me) what it means.and as a little girl I tried to find my way through this darkend dreamscape.So tell me (tell me) how to escape this whole damned life now.

Avery: Whoa there goes gravity and its smack back to reality and her palms are sweating, knees weak, her arms are heavy theres stains on her jacket already, so here we go its like this. Her dream is her only escape her lifes a tortured hell hole, she won't have it , she knows her whole back's to these ropes It don't matter, she's dope She knows that, but she's broke She's so stagnant that she knows When she goes back to her older home, that's when it's Back to the lab again yo This this whole rhapsody She better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass her
(Tylers solo(acompanied by Jared and Natalia)

Alexis: and as a little boy he tried to cover up the pain behind his bloodshot eyes the world we never knew, a pain so real so true, I never knew

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